Bee Cups for Thirsty pollinators

Bees need water. We can help!

Bee cups are handmade porcelain cups for your garden that collect a teaspoon of water for thirsty pollinators.

Each Bee Cup is made from hand-colored porcelain with color variations intentionally added to each batch. They are heated to over 2200 degrees Fahrenheit in a kiln. Because of this production process, they are 100% light safe and will never fade. They will not leach chemicals into the soil or water and contain ZERO plastics.

Fun Bee Facts:

What colors can bees see?

Bees cannot see the color red. Instead, they see ultraviolet colors. Flowers use ultraviolet colors and bullseye patterns to attract pollinators. The Bee Cups studio invented UV-reactive Bee Vision glazes that make our cups look more like flowers to bees. Bee Vision glazes glow pink to pollinators but are clear to humans unless we use a blacklight. We now have several colors of Bee Vision Bee cups with this unique ceramic glaze.

Bee Cups with Bee Vision Glaze

If a human had a tongue like a honey bee it would be 21 inches long! Our bee friends have tongues that are about one quarter of an inch long. This helps them drink nectar from flowers and water from bee cups!

How long
is a honey
bee tongue?

Did you know that bees have special claws to help them keep their footing? Good thing that Bee Cups have texture for bees to grip while they are getting a drink!

Do bees have toes?